At Airtree there is something to keep every member of the family happy whilst holiday here Yarrawonga.

 Adventure playground, pool, animals and fun stuff for the kids, golf range for the Dads and Mums; even the kids too if they want to try. 

resort family holiday close to murray river

Beautiful green lawns and country gardens for the mums to chill out and read a book … plus we can help you organise great family activities like kayaking or bike riding. We are so close to the river and state forest and also have the bike path right outside our front gate. When the sun goes down sit around the fire pit and toast some marshmallows, play some pool in our rec room or watch movies from our dvd library.

Kids rule the roost in this modern era and technology rules them! They seem to love their ipads more than the outdoors, love Netflix more than nature and are replacing playtime with more screentime.

It’s a sad situation and a terrible risk to their health and development … and we as the first generation of parents facing this issue seem to be stuck on what to do about it?

Kids just need an alternative; what if you took some time out as a family and offered the kids nature based experiences, activities like kayaking, swimming, bike riding, treasure hunts, camp fires and the most amazing nature playground, and throw in some fluffy animals … sound good?

We are really excited to offer families a chance to disconnect to reconnect – get the kids off technology and get them back to nature. It is has been proven that spending time in the outdoors and in nature benefits kids confidence, promotes creativity and imagination, teaches responsibility, provides stimulation, reduces fatigue, reduces stress and gets the kids moving!

Why not book your next family holiday with us and get back to nature – you will all feel so much better for it, if you can’t do a full holiday maybe just a weekend … invest in family memories: remember happy kids happy life 

Keeping the kids entertained


A Venue unlike any other

Airtree resort offers a DIY wedding venue in the Murray River region of Yarrawonga; you design the day exactly as YOU want it, the hours it will run for, the layout, the syling, the drinks, the food; literally everything the way you want it – not the way the venue dictates.

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